Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Crime Scene Mementos"

This is the 2nd piece in my new series.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Finished it...

The shop was extremely slow. i had enough time to finish this piece.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Portpholio Web Page

Just came across a place to hold my portfolio.
Check it out!


mind boogers

Initial Thoughts...

It's almost 2 in the morning.
Another night my brain tediously works to keep my exhausted body awake.
I'm eager to get back to the shop Thursday to finish this piece of flash.
Just watched new episode of "FRINGE". Good shit i must say. also started watching a movie i was trying to avoid. "The Mist" wasn't That bad.
but that's what my home life is like for now.
On my days off, all i do is wake up, watch my beautiful son and wait for my wife to get home from work around 7pm. Not much of a home life. I truly feel like a zombie half my days. every parent can testify lol.

I work at a tattoo shop in the clear lake area, Bad Boyz off of nasa rd.1
I started here beginning of Nov. It's been kinda rough starting at this shop the beginning of winter. Here in Houston, the slightest change in weather will keep people in their homes, but when i was tattooing in North Chicago nobody gave a fuck. I was always busy. But I'm sure the word will get out sooner or later.

well i guess I'm gunna crash like the twin towers(too soon?) lol~goodnight.